Thursday 31 May 2018

In honour of Earth day 2018

Earth day - 2018

The Physics club raised funds with the support of F. J. Brennan Catholic High School's administration, staff and students. These funds were used to plant a tree in honour of Earth-day 2018.

Have you ever felt insignificant compare to the big corporations and government agencies?

Have you mused about how much of a difference one person can make? What difference can one recycling container make?


We planted a single tree on May 30th, 2018 in honour of Earth day. This tree is small and can easily been seen as insignificant, and yet, it will grow though the years, and blossom for decades to come. It will cleanse our air for centuries.Countless birds will visit this tree and use it to their betterment. 

Those who are irresponsible can only hurt our planet when individuals believe they are insignificant. Imagine what would happen to our planet if each individual tree decided that it was insignificant, and so refused to be planted; refused to grow.

Tidbits about Earth day (not all have been verified through multiple sources)

Links worth visiting:
  1. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970.
  2. Earth Day originated in the US but became recognized worldwide by 1990.
  3. On Earth Day 2009, Disney released a documentary film called Earth that followed the migration paths of four animal families.
  4. On the very first Earth Day, 20 million people gathered in the streets of America to protest the industrial revolution. An environmental movement was born as a result.
  5. More than 100 billion pieces of junk mail are delivered in the United States each year.
  6. The U.S. buried or burned more than 166 million tons of resources – paper, plastic, metals, glass and organic materials – in landfills and incinerators last year.
  7. It only takes about 6 weeks total to manufacture, fill, sell, recycle, and then remanufacture an aluminum beverage can.
  8. Half the world’s tropical and temperate forests are now gone.
  9. More than 2 million people globally die prematurely every year due to outdoor and indoor air pollution.
  10. Every year in the U.S. nearly 200 billion beverage containers are sold, two-thirds of which are landfilled, incinerated or littered.
  11. Recycling, reuse and remanufacturing account for 3.1 million jobs in the U.S.
  12. Recycling saves 3 to 5 times the energy that waste incinerator power plants generate.
  13. By reducing our waste 1% per year and recycling and composting 90% of our discards by 2030, we could save 406 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent every year. This is the equivalent to shutting down 21% of our nation’s coal-fired power plants.
  14. More than 76% of cardboard boxes and 72% of newspaper were recycled in 2006 but less than 50% of printing and writing paper was recycled.

Our Grade 12 Physics Class recognizes the important bond between Physics, Biology & Chemistry