Monday 12 February 2018

Plan for Success

Brennan Science - empowering excellence and success

Follow your passion so that work will be the culmination of play and joy. Getting there involves good choices, good habits and a winning attitude.

Every mistake is a learning opportunity

Enjoy the journey while working hard for your dreams. Don't mistake hard work with perfection. It's OK to make mistakes - on a test, an assignment or a quiz; it isn't perfection that will get you to your dreams - its excellence.

Practice excellence - live excellence

As course selections approach, keep in mind that we recommend taking all 3 sciences at Brennan: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Some students seem to fear Physics - fear makes for an excellence servant but a horrible master. Bear in mind that if you study any science at university, you will be required to take a full year of Physics during your first year. Plan for success and take all 3 sciences while at Brennan!

Perspectives - Elon Musk

Space - X: carreers - think about it

Elon Musk on studying Physics