Tuesday 13 February 2018

Brennan Science Hoodies

By popular demand, there is another opportunity to purchase a Brennan Science Hoodie.

This option will be available for another week.

While all students are welcome to place "Physics" on their arm as illustrated above, they may also opt to use the Last Name.

Interested parties may use the link below to fill out the purchase requisition form.

Monday 12 February 2018

Plan for Success

Brennan Science - empowering excellence and success

Follow your passion so that work will be the culmination of play and joy. Getting there involves good choices, good habits and a winning attitude.

Every mistake is a learning opportunity

Enjoy the journey while working hard for your dreams. Don't mistake hard work with perfection. It's OK to make mistakes - on a test, an assignment or a quiz; it isn't perfection that will get you to your dreams - its excellence.

Practice excellence - live excellence

As course selections approach, keep in mind that we recommend taking all 3 sciences at Brennan: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Some students seem to fear Physics - fear makes for an excellence servant but a horrible master. Bear in mind that if you study any science at university, you will be required to take a full year of Physics during your first year. Plan for success and take all 3 sciences while at Brennan!

Perspectives - Elon Musk

Space - X: carreers - think about it

Elon Musk on studying Physics