Thursday 22 October 2015

Grade 9 Science:  Micro-Ecosystem Project

Our students had to construct a micro-ecosystem that included organisms at different trophic levels. They had to include the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the water cycle and the phosphorus cycle.

They needed to consider populations and carrying capacity and their ecosystem must be sustainable.

Their ecosystems were sealed so that no air or water could enter or leave the system.   Only sunlight is permitted through.

They had to problem solve, think critically and work together in teams to accomplish the practical task of building the ecosystem as well as putting together a written report and oral presentation to the class.

 They caught bugs, the spiders were big and scary!!
The spiders escaped...

They dug up weeds, they planted grass seed, they watched the plants grow mold....

The potato bugs drowned in the pools of water...

The students were frustrated...they problem solved,
they laughed and screamed (especially when the spiders got loose) and cried...

But mostly they had fun!!!!!

They presented their ecosystems to the class...
they read poems, they drew posters,  they sang and danced....
They even performed a song accompanied by guitar "When this project ends"...

Way to go Grade 9's now let's keep all of God's creatures in our prayers and hope they survive the next month of the  SURVIVAL GAMES

Brennan Science Rules

A special thanks to the parents for their support. Thank you for the tanks that were donated, thank you for buying supplies, and thank you for your help in catching insects and hairy spiders !