Monday 26 October 2015

Oct 23 Mole day

Mole Day

October 23rd marks the day we celebrate Mole Day.
A mole is a unit of measurement in chemistry and is 6.022 x 10 23.This is Avogadro's constant.
These are Mrs. M. Taylor's  Period 4 grade 12 Mole day projects:


Thursday 22 October 2015

Grade 9 Science:  Micro-Ecosystem Project

Our students had to construct a micro-ecosystem that included organisms at different trophic levels. They had to include the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the water cycle and the phosphorus cycle.

They needed to consider populations and carrying capacity and their ecosystem must be sustainable.

Their ecosystems were sealed so that no air or water could enter or leave the system.   Only sunlight is permitted through.

They had to problem solve, think critically and work together in teams to accomplish the practical task of building the ecosystem as well as putting together a written report and oral presentation to the class.

 They caught bugs, the spiders were big and scary!!
The spiders escaped...

They dug up weeds, they planted grass seed, they watched the plants grow mold....

The potato bugs drowned in the pools of water...

The students were frustrated...they problem solved,
they laughed and screamed (especially when the spiders got loose) and cried...

But mostly they had fun!!!!!

They presented their ecosystems to the class...
they read poems, they drew posters,  they sang and danced....
They even performed a song accompanied by guitar "When this project ends"...

Way to go Grade 9's now let's keep all of God's creatures in our prayers and hope they survive the next month of the  SURVIVAL GAMES

Brennan Science Rules

A special thanks to the parents for their support. Thank you for the tanks that were donated, thank you for buying supplies, and thank you for your help in catching insects and hairy spiders !

Thursday 8 October 2015

Do you know what's in your food? 

Mrs. Brunone's Grade 12 students working on their Nutrient lab. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins oh MY!

Friday 2 October 2015

October 16th, 2015 --University of Windsor Science Olympiad

F.J. Brennan is sending 2 teams of 5. One team represents our grade 12 students and one team our grade 11 students.  They will have the opportunity to compete with students from other high schools in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science.  
Teacher moderator:  Lina Brunone

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Summer Science Camp

F.J. Brennan Science Department is happy to announce that it will be hosting approximately 30 students from June 29th to July 3, 2015 for  a Summer Science Camp.
Over 50 students have been nominated from grade 6, 7 and 8 across the Windsor Essex area to attend this camp. We will be exploring all the science fields including biology, chemistry, physics and earth space science with hands on inquiry based learning labs. Guest speakers will talk to our students about possible careers and the week will culminate in an amazing race competition to consolidate their learning. 

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Physics Students compete at Engineering Design competition

Attached is a video of one of our aircraft in flight - well done Cards!

Physics Students compete at Engineering Competition

March 24, 2015: eight of our Physics Students competed in the annual Engineering Competition at the University of Windsor. Our Brennan students represented Brennan with excellence as they worked together as a team to produce results that soared above the crowd.
Most of the aircraft crashed within a few feet of take off while both of our Brennan teams were air bound for more than 17 feet - well done Cards!

The following links may be used to read more about this exciting design competition in which "Physics Rocks"!

Livin on Physics        

Thursday 12 February 2015

The Chemistry Behind Ice Cream

The students in Mrs. Taylor's Grade 11 Chemistry class took advantage of the snow outside and had fun making . . . and eating ice cream.  The making of ice cream is an exothermic process, meaning that heat must escape the ice cream mixture in order for it to change forms from liquid to solid.