Wednesday 14 October 2020

Brennan Science - 2020

 Brennan Science - 2020

As we have passed the half way mark for Quadmester 1, having just celebrating Thanksgiving, it is good to recall how fortunate we are here in Brennan Science.
  • Who would have imagined that such a term as 'Quadmester' would be used at F. J. Brennan Catholic High School?
  • Imagine speaking of cohort A, cohort B or cohort D while celebrating our Canadian Thanksgivings during previous School years.
  • Perhaps a normal 76 minute period will seem like a walk on the beach after having engaged with our 4 hour morning classes.
Gratitude is the Attitude
Attitude is everything

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Here in Brennan Science we have always born witness to the fact that:
Science is Spectacular
Physics Rocks
Biology is Life
Chemistry Creates
(got to love the slogans ☺)

This year we once again acknowledge that "Good habits lead to Success", and it is encouraging to recognize the triumph of our staff, students and families - winning attitudes amidst the challenges that Covid 19 has brought.
While the masks we must wear hide the smiles we share, they do not deter our eyes from seeing, nor our minds from grasping, the marvel of education and the hope for a bright future that the 'love of learning' represents.

Thanksgiving Prayer Service

We are fortunate in Brennan Science to belong to a Catholic High School in which we may openly pray and recognize our blessing. Below is a link to our Thanksgiving Prayer Service.