Thursday 21 February 2019

Dr. Rehse from U of W Physics

Dr. Rehse, professor and head of the Physics department visits our Grade 11 University Prep Physics students.

Highlights of Dr. Rehse's talk include:

If a student is planning on going into 'any science' engineering or related class (computers, math), then they should take Grade 11 and 12 Physics. In fact, they will have to take a physics in first year university (every University) and if they haven't been prepared in high school, they will struggle in university.

 In university professors don't care about your average (or marks) in high school (don't even look at them), they do expect your marks in university to be excellent. Hence, prepare for success while you are in high school.
 Physics is a way of thinking; problem solving and critical thinking are important skills that physics students learn to excel at.
 The University of Windsor has excellent offerings in Science (learning and research), and amazing "student to staff ratios". Additionally, the U of W is one of the few Universities that offers a degree in Medical Physics.