Wednesday 28 November 2018

Brennan Science & Technology

Two teams represented our Brennan Cardinals in the Skills Ontario Boat Race Competition.

Our theme was the connection between the explorations that took place in the past (boats and oceans), and those that will lead to our future - among the stars. 

We know: 

that one day our solar system and planet will no longer exist, and so, for our descendants to survive, we must eventually live beyond the confines of our home planet; we must learn to thrive responsibly amongst the stars.

These fine young people continued their journey of discovery - building boats out of cardboard, as they reinforce the fact that theory and practice are occasionally at odds with one another. 

In other words, fun = education.

How much weight will it take to sink this fine boat? 

Will they make it to the opposite side of the pool?

 Theory & reality; if you build it, they will float - or is that baseball?

How much time can these boats stay afloat?  

Brennan Science and technology: proud of our cards, past, present and future!

Thursday 22 November 2018

Science Hoodies

By popular demand, there will be another order placed for Brennan Science Hoodies. Please use the following link to place your order.