Monday 18 June 2018

Our Display Case

Brennan Science has obtained its first (of many) display cases. We are grateful to Mr. Luigi Baggio and the entire Brennan administration and support staff for empowering our 'visual display' to recognize and encourage excellence.
Brennan Science recognizes the cooperative commitment to excellence in all three sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Excellence is a choice, not a wish. We acknowledge all students who choose excellence as a way of life. 
Equally important to the choice of excellence, is the realization of a 'moral compass' that will endure the test of time. This is one of many reasons we are grateful for Catholic education in which a 'faith based moral compass' is encourage, nurtured and supported.
Practice Excellence - Live Excellence
We hope to add to this 'visual recognition of excellence' with each coming year.  
Brennan Science - Excellence with a moral compass