Monday 18 December 2017

Grade 8 enjoys Physics at Brennan

Members of the Brennan Physics Club challenge grade 8s visiting Brennan on Wednesday, Dec 13, 2017.
Enthusiastic competitors race Spheros through an obstacle course as one leg of the Amazing Brennan Race.
Our "Brennan Cards" did an amazing job at providing leadership, encouragement and instructions to these future Physics enthusiasts.

Monday 4 December 2017

Grade 8 night - science is spectacular

Grade 8 night was a big hit for all involved; science is spectacular.

Physics rocks as physics students instruct these future cards on how to drive the sphero through this obstacle course. Using an iPad, the students control the speed, colour and direction of the sphero in an attempt to race through the pylons.
Here another group of physics students hand over the controls to hopefuls who will race down a different race track outlined by LED lights.

Oh the joys of biology; grade 10 students happily show off their dissection of a frog. These students embrace excellence in biology, chemistry and physics.

Biology and Chemistry shared the spot light in Rm 215 as grade 8 students, their siblings and parents, embrace the awe inspiring world of science.

More than 12 students gave of their time to share the joy of physics with our future cards, as they demonstrated and discussed Newton's 3rd law, mechanical resonance, magnetism and the conservation of energy.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Welcome back to Brennan Science - 2017

Science is Spectacular

This week in - "Brennan Science", grade 11 Physics students captured some moments here at Brennan during the advent of another, new and exciting school year.

Makenzie G., Patrick L., Mackenzie L. and Alyssa M. choose this picture to represent one of their moment's back in Brennan Science:

"I think this image displays science because there is a painting of the Earth and universe, which can go hand-in-hand with evolution. Many people, including myself, believe in evolution, a theory that states the Earth and universe were created by science based events." - Makenzie G.
"I chose to take my image of this painting in the science wing because I felt that it was a motivational painting. It motivates me to strive for excellence within my classes and beyond my school hallways. It is not only eye appealing but it's spiritually positive. I believe that many other students probably feel the same as me." - Mackenzie L.

Jennifer J. - This week in Science

To me, this represented science from a natural point of view. The “garden” is filled with various greenery and insect life. When I think of science, I think of our world and everything that lives around us. The universe is created through science, and this was a tiny representation of it’s many capabilities.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Grade 12 Physics

As graduation approaches (this evening) these rocking halls of physics will bid a fond farewell to these amazing physics students, as they move on past these glorious years at Brennan. May you continue to enjoy the journey while practicing and living excellence.
Thank you to all physics lovers, and particularly, this grade 12  physics class, for sharing the joy of physics here at Brennan.

* missing from this picture is Israel F.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Grade 12 Biology engages in Kidney Dissection

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The grade 12 students participated in their first dissection for the Homeostasis unit.  Learning about the kidneys and their functions has been rewarding as they play a crucial role in maintaining water balance and excreting wastes.  The excretory system begins with the kidneys and the students were able to identify the cortex, medulla, renal vein, renal artery and ureter.  

What an exciting day!

Friday 19 May 2017

Brennan Physics Students explore Engineering

Engineering and Brennan Physics

Representatives from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Windsor engaged grade 11 and grade 12 Physics students with an expose on Engineering, and a fun competition to build wind generators. 
The top result involved a design with 6 blades, and generated a voltage of 8.1 V.

Physics Rocks
Congratulations to all of our Brennan Physics students, who once again rocked the world of Physics!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Physics Class receives Presentation from U of W Physics

University of Windsor 'Physics' inspires Brennan Students

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 our grade 11 Physics cardinals benefited from a presentation by Dr. Rehse (Head of Physics at the University of Windsor) and Aaron, one of Dr. Rehse's graduate students.

Key Points

What is Physics - Sheldon?

Physics is a way of thinking that is highly valuable in our modern world. Critical thinking and problem solving are highly developed when studying physics.

Who should take high school Physics?

Dr. Rehse was very adamant about the fact that anyone who intends to study any science (biology, chemistry, physics or computer science), engineering, or math should take both 'University Preparation' Physics courses offered in high school (grades 11 and 12 Physics). He emphasized that every science and engineering student is required to take a full year physics course in first year - in every University (not just Windsor).
Those that do take both physics in high school have a strong advantage in first year physics.
He further stressed that high school students should set themselves up of success once they arrive at university, rather than just focusing on getting there.

Where are the jobs?

While Physics is an empowering field, many students who study physics acquire a wide range of high paying jobs. Their marketability is related to their ability to solve complex problems, work in teams and utilize the important skill of 'critical thinking'.

Physics Rocks

Aaron spoke about the need to persevere with good habits, while practicing excellence. He shared his journey as a student and a teaching assistant. 
Both Dr. Rehse and Aaron are effective communicators and obviously enjoy the environment at the University of Windsor.


Before posting this blog, the students were asked what they would place in this blog. There suggestions were already included above however, there was 1 statistic that hadn't been included:
  • 95% of physics graduates obtain a job within 1 year of graduation
  • 98% of physics graduate students obtain a job within 1 year of their graduation.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Physics Rocks at the Engineering competition (U of W)

12 of our Physics students proudly represented Brennan at the annual Engineering competition at the University of Windsor.
One of our teams brought home silver; during the presentation to the judges, they made no attempt to suppress their exuberance at the design and construction of their device.

The game begins, the minds sync with one another...

The work begins:

The amazing cards who rock physics, present to the judges

And finally, the implementation - the pinnacle of the competition

This team hit their target with both live shots (they stood alone).