Wednesday 14 October 2020

Brennan Science - 2020

 Brennan Science - 2020

As we have passed the half way mark for Quadmester 1, having just celebrating Thanksgiving, it is good to recall how fortunate we are here in Brennan Science.
  • Who would have imagined that such a term as 'Quadmester' would be used at F. J. Brennan Catholic High School?
  • Imagine speaking of cohort A, cohort B or cohort D while celebrating our Canadian Thanksgivings during previous School years.
  • Perhaps a normal 76 minute period will seem like a walk on the beach after having engaged with our 4 hour morning classes.
Gratitude is the Attitude
Attitude is everything

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Here in Brennan Science we have always born witness to the fact that:
Science is Spectacular
Physics Rocks
Biology is Life
Chemistry Creates
(got to love the slogans ☺)

This year we once again acknowledge that "Good habits lead to Success", and it is encouraging to recognize the triumph of our staff, students and families - winning attitudes amidst the challenges that Covid 19 has brought.
While the masks we must wear hide the smiles we share, they do not deter our eyes from seeing, nor our minds from grasping, the marvel of education and the hope for a bright future that the 'love of learning' represents.

Thanksgiving Prayer Service

We are fortunate in Brennan Science to belong to a Catholic High School in which we may openly pray and recognize our blessing. Below is a link to our Thanksgiving Prayer Service.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Science at the University of Windsor - Parents Night

Parents Night - University of Windsor Science

The University of Windsor Science is hosting Parents Night on Wed. Nov. 20 at 6:30 pm in Toldo Rm. 100 at the University of Windsor. 

This is a great opportunity for parents, high school students, teachers and staff to come and learn about the many academic programs and the amazing opportunities offered to students in Faculty of Science. Hear from the Dean of Science, Dr. Chris Houser, and from students themselves about what makes Science at the University Windsor the Destination Science program in Ontario

Friday 8 November 2019

Science Hoodies

Science Hoodie

Great news - the Science Hoodies are back. Order your very own Brennan Science Hoodie using this Google Form:

Yes, it is true, these Science Hoodies are officially accepted as being part of the Uniform here at Brennan. Better yet, they look great, feel great and recognize that "Science is Spectacular".

Your very own Brennan Science Hoodie is waiting your you...

Friday 25 October 2019

University of Windsor Engineering at Brennan

U of W Engineering engages Brennan

Once again the University of Windsor Engineering outreach gang visited our Grade 11 University prep Physics class to inform our students about Engineering and to provide a hands on activity.

Students discover what Engineering is and why it is so important to our society and world.

The friendly competition to design and produce a wind generator that produces the largest energy (per unit charge which is Voltage).

Yes, I know you want to say it: Physics Rocks.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Brennan and the Science Olympiad - Oct 17, 2019

Brennan and the Science Olympiad at the University of Windsor

Brennan brought 2 teams of Science Olympians to the Science Olympiad at the University of Windsor. 
Our 2 teams enjoyed multiple activities involving physics, chemistry, biology and coding (computer programming).

With presentations and talks from many University students of science, and faculty members including the Dean of Science, our students experience "life on campus" and the spectacular world of Science.
With one of the best ratios of students to faculty members (in Science) along with the opportunity to do research in their undergraduate degree, University of Windsor Science is a great place for success, and an ideal place to do one's undergraduate work!

I cannot express adequately how very proud I am of these Brennan Cards as they choose 'excellence' as their path!

Missing from these photos are Tate D and Kefan C, 2 of our 10 Science Olympians.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Dr. Rehse from the University of Windsor Physics Department

Dr. Rehse visits our Grade 11 Physics Students

Dr. Rehse, the head of the Physics department at the University of Windsor, visits our grade 11 university preparation physics class to explain the exciting world of Physics.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Cedar Point - physics rocks

Our Brennan Physics Club organized an amazing embrace of physics, math and engineering at Cedar point.

49 Brennan Cards enjoyed Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at Cedar Point with amazing weather, sunshine, short lines, and great times. Perhaps there were a few moments when contemplating one's fate as the ride soared to 120 mph, or dropped 90-98 degrees "downward" - that we all pondered our sanity.

A special thank you to Mr. Luigi Baggio and Ms. Karen Hare for chaperoning; and to Keana Aquino for helping to chaperone as a U of W student studying to be a teacher.

Such ideal weather and lines... one might muse "it was luck", but no... "it was Physics".

Cedar point had a number of booths about Physics - from diverse contributors such as NASA and various universities.

All in all, a great day for Science, Math and Fun.

On a closing note, there is much to appreciate and find as inspiration: